Wednesday, September 10, 2014

X-Stitch Bookmarks

I have made these as gifts for friends for the past few years, and they have been VERY well received J I actually forgot to take photos before I gave them away, but my friends were kind enough to take some action shots for me.

The patterns are sort of my own design. I’ve seen pictures of other cross-stitches with similar patterns, and from these pictures I adapted my own designs. It’s always fun drawing up patterns on graph paper – in fact it’s one of the few occasions when I get to rock out my coloured pencils these days.

The Doctor is legen…waitforit…dary. Unsurprisingly, lots of my friends share this viewpoint. Great minds think alike and all that. I have made several Doctor Who bookmarks, including one which I don’t have a photo of, but basically it’s ‘I heart heart DW’, where the DW is the official symbol that’s shaped like the Tardis.

Here are a couple of examples of the Sonic Screwdriver. Matt Smith’s green screwdriver was a pattern that I created from scratch myself. I am quite pleased with it tbh and rather proud.

This lion is a cut-down pattern from a larger picture of the Game of Thrones Houses. The Lannister Lion, although the person I gave it too didn’t really get it. Luckily she is equally into Harry Potter and it works brilliantly as a Gryffindor lion as well, so win/win.

I love making these bookmarks, they're great gifts, quick to do, making the patterns is enormous fun, and it's great to use up old DMC threads rather than having to buy specific colours (I have a large supply of Tardis blue)